Upgrading To Vinyl Window Frames

When your home's window frames start to become worn, replacing them can become a necessary upgrade to make. For many homes, the window frames will be made of wood, and while this is an effective window frame material, vinyl can be superior in many ways. However, myths about vinyl window frames can lead to homeowners failing to consider using this extremely effective option.

Myth: Vinyl Windows Are Easily Damaged

Homeowners will often assume that vinyl will be an extremely weak material and that this could lead to the window frames being far more vulnerable to suffering damage from routine impacts. In reality, vinyl window frames can be extremely durable, and they will be able to withstand the same type of impacts and wear that most wooden window frames will be able to withstand. Furthermore, you can opt for vinyl window frames that have been designed to be even more resistant, which can be a sound choice for those that live in areas that experience frequent hail or strong winds. If you opt for these more durable vinyl window frames, you will still want to invest in storm shutters as they can provide better protection against very powerful impacts from large pieces of debris.

Myth: Vinyl Windows Will Look Odd On Older Homes

While vinyl windows are made from artificial materials, individuals should avoid assuming that this means these windows will look odd on an older home. In reality, vinyl windows can be manufactured so that they will closely resemble the appearance of natural materials. This can allow for you to install vinyl windows in older homes without compromising the aesthetic charm that these properties may provide. Individuals that are needing to upgrade the windows in historic homes that may suffer a significant loss in value if they are given a more modern appearance.  

Myth: Vinyl Windows Are Less Energy-Efficient Than Wooden Window Frames

Vinyl windows can be among the most energy-efficient styles of window frames that you can have installed. It is possible for the interior of the window frames to be insulated so that they can be less capable of contributing to heat gain or loss. Furthermore, vinyl will not be prone to warping over time in the same way that wooden window frames can do. This warping will allow gaps to form that can significantly reduce the energy-efficiency of wooden window frames, and there is little that can be done to prevent this problem. However, vinyl will not be susceptible to these changes, which can ensure they remain a good fit for the window for many years after installation.

To learn more information, reach out to a vinyl window installation service near you.
