Tired Of Your Shower Curtain? Two Reasons To Switch To A Glass Shower Enclosure

As with most things, shower curtains have both pros and cons. A colorful shower curtain can brighten up the bathroom and make it come alive with hues and shades that add vibrancy to the space. On the other hand, maintaining your shower curtain can be a handful. Soap scum, dirt, and mildew pile up quickly, and if you aren't diligent with your cleaning duties, you might wind up with a curtain that does more harm than good. If you're ready for a change and long for a better alternative, switching out your curtain for a glass shower enclosure just might be the ideal fit.

Modernize Your Bathroom With A Glass Shower Enclosure

Stepping into a bathroom with modern decor can be quite refreshing. Sleek, elegant fixtures, marble flooring, and unique shower features make the room seem like something you would see in a magazine. You might live in an older home, condominium, or cottage and think that you can't obtain the contemporary look that you're after. The truth is that making even the smallest change can help you achieve your goal!

Glass shower enclosures have a way of modernizing almost any bathroom. The thick, slightly tinted glass is very attractive, and once you've made the switch, you'll likely fall in love with your bathroom all over again.

Make Cleaning Day A Breeze With A Glass Shower Enclosure

Maintaining your glass shower enclosure could possibly be one of the easiest things you've ever had to do. Glass shower enclosures are designed to repel buildup in ways that you generally don't find with the average shower curtain. Ask your installation technician to add a protective coating to the glass when they put it in, and all you'll really have to do is a quick wipedown to reveal the natural beauty of your glass at your leisure.

Add Spaciousness 

See-through glass has a way of making a room seem larger than it actually is. When you remove the barrier that a shower curtain creates, you automatically open up the room in ways you may not be able to imagine! You should be able to see the entire bathroom from end to end, and this often works wonders as it pertains to how you perceive the size. 

Take your time in the bathroom to a whole new level. Have a contractor from a company like Kauffman Glass and Mirror install your new glass shower enclosure to get a bathroom you adore.
