Five Benefits Of Commercial Glass Doors

If you need a new entrance door for your business, don't overlook glass. There are many benefits that commercial glass doors offer that makes them rise above other options.  1. Allows In Natural Light Natural light brightens up the interior of your business and can help make everyone feel better and more productive. Whether your entrance opens right up into a waiting room or shopfront, or simply enters into a foyer, the natural light will improve the ambiance of the area and make your business feel more welcoming to everyone that enters. Read More 

Tired Of Your Shower Curtain? Two Reasons To Switch To A Glass Shower Enclosure

As with most things, shower curtains have both pros and cons. A colorful shower curtain can brighten up the bathroom and make it come alive with hues and shades that add vibrancy to the space. On the other hand, maintaining your shower curtain can be a handful. Soap scum, dirt, and mildew pile up quickly, and if you aren't diligent with your cleaning duties, you might wind up with a curtain that does more harm than good. Read More 

Benefits of Tinting Your Commercial Windows

When it comes to ways to upgrade your business, tinting your windows is something to consider. Window tinting can offer your business a wide array of benefits. #1: Increased Privacy When you add tinting to your business's windows, you will be able to enjoy more privacy during the day. If you want to have your windows open, but you don't want people to be able to peer in to see what your employees are doing, commercial window film can help you enjoy the best of both worlds. Read More 

Upgrading To Vinyl Window Frames

When your home's window frames start to become worn, replacing them can become a necessary upgrade to make. For many homes, the window frames will be made of wood, and while this is an effective window frame material, vinyl can be superior in many ways. However, myths about vinyl window frames can lead to homeowners failing to consider using this extremely effective option. Myth: Vinyl Windows Are Easily Damaged Homeowners will often assume that vinyl will be an extremely weak material and that this could lead to the window frames being far more vulnerable to suffering damage from routine impacts. Read More 

Three Benefits Of Internal Glass For Your Office

Businesses are always looking for the next big thing to improve efficiency in the workplace. Whether it's an open concept style office plan or shared workspaces, most companies believe that little tweaks to their operations can result in major benefits down the road. One of the styles that have come into vogue recently is placing large interior windows in place of walls. This is most common around conference rooms and single-occupancy offices as they promote transparency (pun intended). Read More